E-mail Verification @ Account Creation: username Lock

  • Hi, my brother was creating an account and we noticed we linked two different account names on the same e-mail.

    We got two verification e-mails, and after verifying one, the other account name is lost.

    (we get redirected to a page asking us to contact support)



    Create an account with name "account1" linked to "e-mail1@mail.com"

    Create another account with name "account2" linked to "e-mail1@mail.com"

    Enter e-mail1@mail.com and verify the second e-mail received (account2 verified, ok)

    Now try to log into account1, we get redirected to the page asking us to contact support.

    Problem: The problem is losing an account name for no reason, the system should detect two account names with same e-mail and once one is verified, delete the other account name (so another user can use it, and we free memory space).

  • int_max