Let's speculate about .carry

  • An API change in the early preview was to change .energy and .energyCapacity to .carry.energy and .carryCapacity, which hints that we'll see a second resource at some point in the future. The developers hinted at this too "it is a full-fledged multi-resource economy" [http://support.screeps.com/hc/en-us/articles/203898031-About-the-Screeps-Team]

    Some chatter in the IRC channel got me thinking that maybe there could be a "magic" resource which could be used for spells by your creeps. Maybe you'd harvest energy like usual and then have a worker convert it into magic. That would mean they wouldn't need to change the game world and mess up everyone's rooms to add new resource locations. It would be really interesting to see a siege which needed a supply chain to bring magic to the creeps who are attacking.

    Or maybe they'd make the new resource only appear in the no mans land rooms in the center of every sector so then your rooms would stay the same. Spawns and extensions still use .energy and .energyCapacity so if the resource was for spawning creeps I think we'd see a new extension-like building to dump that resource into.

    Whatever extra resources popup in the future will be a huge shift in gameplay, I can't wait~

  • I think it would be cool if there was the ability to manufacture certain items for your creeps. Stuff like compressing energy down so creeps can carry more energy, but it you lose some of that energy during compression (meaning you use 110 energy to carry 100 energy in 50 .carry space or something along those lines).

    Magic is a very good idea, though. I really like the prospect of having to use supply lines to make a successful attack, and therefore being able to stop that attack by intercepting the supply line