Map expansion

  • Can you (devs) give us some idea of an expansion schedule for the map? I feel like my screeps are constantly rubbing up against my neighbors. One of the things I am/was looking forward to is sending my screeps off to explore far away places. The density currently feels WAY too high.

  • I think, general target of game is expansion with fight for resources, otherwise it's will be simple leader board race, but not programming strategy as game named.

    "The world's first MMO strategy open world game for programmers"

  • MMO = Massive multiplayer -- I understand that you start small and grow which is why I'm asking for a timeline, not just "the game should be huge now"

  • I agree with abnessor that there should be some density since otherwise there would not be much fighting. Though as it is at the moment you are more or less forced to attack your direct neighbors who more often than not are some beginners and it somehow feels like griefing.

    Also there isn't really that much to 'explore' anyway. Places are much the same all over the board.

    I think over time the map structure would need some changes that compel better players to move from their starting position towards other parts of the map that are more dangerous and competitive but allow for higher resource harvesting.

  • I agree with Jabberwocky. I don't like attacking beginners who are next to me, but I don't have much choice. If the map separated the beginners from the experienced somehow, it would be better for those just getting into the game.