My implementation is OpenSource now

  • Hello,
    you can watch out my Code on Github now:
    I stopped playing. so it is for free usage. Please "star" it, if you use it.

  • From your readme: Development stopped since the game became Pay-To-Win

    How exactly did it "become" Pay-to-win? Are you angered by the recent changes that are forcing players to optimize their code?

    Do you expect us other players to be sympathetic to you pooping on the game in your public screeps repository?


  • The game became Pay-To-Win, because to more CPU time you have, the more you can optimize your movements. Especially in war situations. Nevertheless, I changed that comment. BTW, I'm not angered by the recent change. The game dynamics develops in a very good direction.
    I'm not interested to sympathize with you. I just promised in the screeps chat, that I share my code after I stop playing.