Is something going to be done about degrade/upgrade mechanic?

  • Currently in order to be competitive one has to let his lvl 8 rooms downgrade to lvl 7 then use saved resources to avoid 15 ticks cap.
    Is the mechanic going to stay in game ?

  • We want to take some time to watch how the things develop after we deployed new features from the PTR and launched power hunting. We expect that after RCL 8, the focus in energy spending will shift from controller upgrading to power processing.

  • Also, with the changes from PTR, I expect you don't let your controller downgrade, since you would lose a lot of benefits (no sentries, power spawns, far less energy capacity,...).

  • I hope this pushes for a little more interaction then just conquer and be conquered when PTR is release. We'll have to wait and see.