Creep.move() bug?

  • I seem to run into a bug that prevents my creep from moving onto a specific walkable tile. Even when I give a manual move() command to move onto the rampart on its bottom right, it still will not work. See this screenshot:

    The creep is not fatigued and there is nothing else occupying the tile as you can see. It's not a pathfinder issue, because as I said even a manual move() will not work. This is room E29N19 but I've seen it in others too.

  • I've also seen this issue, but I wasn't sure it wasn't something I was doing wrong. I saw it with a creep trying to move from E3S14 at 46,24 to 47,23. The creep was unable to move into that tile until something caused the invaders to decide to move away from 47,23.

    Perhaps the Invaders are trying to move onto the rampart tile while attacking, and that's somehow reserving the tile as if they were succeeding to move there?

  • Dev Team

    Thanks for reporting, must be fixed now.