attacking with CLAIM

  • Currently you can only attack an enemy controller with at least 5 CLAIM parts. This means that until you're level 7 (or 8?) you can't attack anyone controller.

    Now considering how long it takes to get there, I find that people randomly spawn in my routes and then dissapear never to come back again. Unfortunately it still takes like 3-4 days before they dissapear at the speed the automatic downgrade controller works.

    My suggestion would be to be able to downgrade enemy controller with a SINGLE CLAIM part, and for extra effectiveness 5 more claims after that.

    If that is considered broken, at least allow low level people to fight each other somehow. For example if there are no structures or creeps of their sort left on the map, then their automatic downgrade happens faster. Or perhaps once a downgrade has happened, the next downgrade comes faster. At the moment a lvl 3 controller takes 120000 ticks.

  • Sorry to add to my frustration, not sure if i should make a new post for this but...

    Please allow to build and repair neutral structures in enemy rooms (at least roads)

  • I think it would be better just to only do something about people who lost everything and can't possibly recover their room, as you suggested in the last paragraph.