room.find(FIND_MY_CREEPS) missing spawnlings

  • Howdy! 

    I believe room.find(FIND_MY_CREEPS) leaves out spawning creeps.

    But I'm unsure if its a bug or by design 😕

    Besides: is there a place where it's documented what all those constant flags SHOULD exactly do? 


  • hm I guess the problem I initially had is not due to room.find(FIND_MY_CREEPS) leaving out spawning creeps. While I'm unsure about that. 

    It turns out the problem I had is due to the fact, that spawning creeps have no ticksToLive (its undefined).

    Could be fixable instead

  • SUN

    I have the same issue.
    I don't understand why FIND_MY_CREEPS does not return creeps in spawning.
    Same for FIND_CREEPS which I supposed would be exhaustive, turns out it is not.

    ATM I iterate over all creeps in Game.creeps and split them by room just because this is the only way I found to retrieve ALL my creeps in the room.
    imho the default behavior should be complete and if you don't want creep in spawning, then you can filter them.

    If this is the intended design, maybe you should update the documentation...