How do you calculate room distance across regions (E->W, N->S)?
I try to calculate room distance across long distance and found that
// Return 2'E19N31', 'S17N32');if you measure these room distance manually, it should be 37. Is this a bug or it's an intend feature for distance across regions.
This distance also apply for
looks like a bug.
As a walkaround you can use
function(roomName1, roomName2, diagonal){
if( roomName1 == roomName2 ) return 0;
let posA = roomName1.split(/([N,E,S,W])/);
let posB = roomName2.split(/([N,E,S,W])/);
let xDif = posA[1] == posB[1] ? Math.abs(posA[2]-posB[2]) : posA[2]+posB[2]+1;
let yDif = posA[3] == posB[3] ? Math.abs(posA[4]-posB[4]) : posA[4]+posB[4]+1;
if( diagonal ) return Math.max(xDif, yDif); // count diagonal as 1
return xDif + yDif; // count diagonal as 2
You have a typo in your code: S17N32 should be W17N32.
Ah yes
South 17 North 32 is a great place ^^
OH, my mistake. Thanks for point that out