Replace last24 hours Stats with last 30k Ticks to be consistent

  • Is anyone in for replacing "last 24h" with 30.000 ticks (roughly 1 day) to make stats more consistent?

    i do not see any micro improvements because last 24h are always different or at least give me another option independent from time. like 24h and 1000 ticks ... would be great --- 

  • This is a good suggestion, though I'd argue both real-time and per-X-ticks are useful data.  If anything, add a multiple of 10,000 ticks and keep the current data as well.

    Real-time values allow you to answer questions such as: "How long before this room's RCL increases?" and "What day should I be planning on claiming a new room?"

    Tick-time values allow you to answer questions such as: "Did my latest revision actually improve performance, or is the server just moving faster?" and "Will I be gaining a GCL before this now-vacant room's RCL decays to zero?"

  • I don't know. I don't think I like this. But there are two sides.


    I can't tell at a glance if my drop from 23k energy to 21k energy is a code problem, or just ticks slowing down. 



    On the other hand, it's trivial to do this your self. Per tick stats are easy, per time stats are more complicated.