Spawn created without a name

  • I just created my first Spawn and gave it a name, but it's showing up as nameless in the game.  How can I address this/work around it?

  • Sounds to me like a display option issue. On the right hand side of the UI you'll see "display options", and in that there's an option for "show my names". The arrow to the right of that will expand to show "my spawns" and "my creeps". Also if you select the structure it should up in that right hand panel of the UI as well.

  • Did you check display options in the panel on the right side? (show my names -> my spawns)

  • Can confirm this, seems like a rare bug: once I've created a new Spawn, it has been added to Game.spawns having "undefined" key. If you (@ByDesign) still have an issue, u should check it twice and then submit a request. As for me, I used to destroy this bugged Spawn (it broke most auto-spawn logic because of its "name") and rebuilt it with correct name.

  • Thanks for the responses guys; it was definitely created nameless.  I have been able to work around it by referencing Game.spawns[null], but it's still really weird.