Ability to view adjacent rooms when replay data not available

  • This could be seen as a bug report or a feature request.

    When you are viewing a replay with no data available, the buttons that allow you to move to adjacent rooms are not available. It would be great to be able to switch to the adjacent room. Currently you can get "stuck", by moving from a room with replay available to a room without replay data at that tick. You then can't return to the room you were originally viewing.


    In contrast, while viewing a replay that has data, you are able to switch to adjacent rooms and view their replay at the same tick


  • It looks like this is is caused by a div with class history-no-data, which is above the navigation bars. If you delete this div the navigation bars are usable again 0_1709805644322_0b07932b-6f9e-4d89-89d9-2fe290c99ce2-image.png

    So this is definitely in the realm of a bug report not a feature request!

  • @wtfrank the problem seems to be that in app.css in package.nw, z-index 20 on the history-no-data div pushes the no-data screen on top of the exit bars.


    none of the classes for the exit bars have a z-index so end up behind the no-data div.
