Are sources under Source Keeper worth fighting for?

  • Basically that's the question. I have a room with bunch of sources, some of which are protected by source keeper.

    Is it worth trying to monitor source keeper activity and constantly kill new spawns and risk workers?
    Or is it better to just ignore these sources and move to another room?

    Other general question: Is there a way to destroy Source keeper layer?

  • Easiest answer first:

    can the source kepper lair be destroyed: no

    Is it worth?

    If you do it right, you have the energy from the source + the energy dropped by the source keeper without any significant energy spendings. However, for the beginning i would suggest you to ignore those sources and come back to this later.

  • You can protect your workers by building ramparts on their work positions and the locations carriers await their pickup turn(or have them wait outside the attack range of the keeper). If you wall in the keeper into its lair you can in certain cases(but not all since walls/ramparts will not prevent ranged attacks from passing over them) avoid fighting it completely. So you only have to murder it to death while constructing/repairing the walls.

    In the other cases it is advisable to have plenty of ramparts around it in which guards can stand to fight it. They won't get hit as long as they're within a rampart and like Chris said, if you kill it on a tile other than its lair you can collect the energy the keeper drops too.

  • Nicely summed up, Toolmaker! One addition: You can collect the energy even if it's on the lair.

  • The only problem im seeing here, is that these rooms that are loaded with source keepers, seem to be missing controllers. I havent looked at tons of these rooms, but it seems to me that these rooms are forced neutral.

  • All source keeper rooms dont have controllers, which makes walling them in or creating ramparts impossible

  • For the topic, usually no. You'll need 3 types of creeps:

    -creeps to harvest energies

    -creeps to defend others and kills the invaders

    -creeps to repair the structures (if built), especially the containers

    Due to all these requirements (and, of course, you'll need to have a high-level controller to spawn all that!), I personally think it's not a good choice. But, the minerals and sometimes the invader colony's resources are worth.

    BTW, not having controllers makes actually contributing structures important for defending (i.e, towers) to these rooms impossible.

    The wisest choice I think is to build attackers and healers, and renew them in the nearest controlled room. Instead of simply harvesting the energy resources, I'd recommend you to use up all the resources, including the minerals, the invader's tombstones, etc. Also, remember that invader cores might spawn at anytime, so don't forget to write codes for destroying them!