Can't place constructionSite at room edge
Why am I not able to place constructionSite with the mouse at the edge of the room? I'd really like to place a wall there...
Is it some kind of bug, or am I missing something?
I only have 17 constructionSites.
Location: Shard 3 / Room W27S13
Its not allowed to build that close to the room exits, most structures cannot be placed within 2 tiles from the exits. Exceptions are roads (and perhaps containers?)
Also that wall to the right of your arrow is a temporary wall that will go away once your zone is no longer a respawn/novice area. It should have a decay timer on it indicating when it will be removed.
@geir1983 aww. shit..
Now I know why no body chose this room =_=.
I just thought it was VERY rare to see an energy source RIGHT beside the controller. lol!
Well, okay.. I guess that resolves my issue here.
Yeah, not so common
Btw, you should join the slack, there is a pretty active community over there in the chat
@geir1983 Oh, okay.. thanks