@duckymirror What i do is create the biggest possible body part for every creep depending on the available energy at the moment to spawn the creep. Will think about your way to implement it, tho.
About towers and creeps...i know it's terrible, but it was just a way to protect myself against invaders, since i've never been involved in a pvp skirmish. The reason i do it this way is because once the invader has finished killing all my creeps, in case i can't defend, it will despawn. However, if there's a tower defending the house, my room will only lose a few ticks due to the freezing.
I know it's still a terrible approach for pvp and even for pve, so i'll try to write a different behaviour. So far i thought about making all minions out of the tower scout range to enter in Panic Mode and then go to the tower, but this is still a PvE approach.
Thank you!!