i was giving some thought again to this topic, and i come with some not code-breaking ideas:
limit ramparts to 1M at RCL8
give PowerCreep Operator PWR_OPERATE_RAMPART (can be instead of OPERATE_TOWER)
Range 3 usable on controller
Increase Rampart max Hits in Room to 5M/15M/30M/45M/60M level 1/5/10/15/20
duration 800 / 1600 / 3200 / 4800 / 6400, cooldown 900/1800/3600/5400/7200, 100/500/1000/1500/2000 OPS cost
ramparts with hits above hitsMax decay 1% of hits per tick
Lower max ramparts would somewhat prevent turtling behind multiple rows of 100M ramparts,
nukes a more viable use case now, and defending against them requires a little more than just having 15M rampart, or spawning repairer or two to build them up.
With this change my expectation would be that there would be more combat :
more breaches through ramparts (due their lower hits)
more use of Power Creeps due to their new defense capability
more use of nukes since no-one would have the default 5M/15M protection on every room 24/7/365