Fixed it by using and if(terrain.get(buildx, buildy) == 0 || terrain.get(buildx, buildy) == 2)
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Posts made by Soyaro
RE: (not) building roads
RE: (not) building roads
just changed the lines to the structure of
var buildx = sources[poi].pos.x - 1 + roadx;
Well, now it's trying to build the roads on 7 of the 8 spots so my logic must hav a mistake. A way more interesting problem is the game putting construction sites on the spawned barriers:
What's going on there?
(not) building roads
I just started with the game, running simulations to test what I wrote so that I do have at least something going on when I release my creeps into the world.
Now I wrote some code that doesn't do what I expect and I can't figure out why:
var sources = Game.spawns[spawn].room.find(FIND_SOURCES); var newLength = sources.unshift(Game.spawns[spawn]); var newLength = sources.push(Game.rooms[name].controller); for(var i in towers) { var newLength = sources.push(towers[i]); } for(var i in extenders) { var newLength = sources.push(extenders[i]); } for(var poi in sources) { for(var roadx = 0; roadx < 3; roadx++) { for(var roady = 0; roady < 3; roady++) { if(roadx == 1 && roady == 1) { roady++; } else { var buildx = (sources[poi].x - 1 + roadx).valueOf(); var buildy = (sources[poi].y - 1 + roady).valueOf(); Game.spawns[spawn].room.createConstructionSite(buildx, buildy, STRUCTURE_ROAD); Game.spawns[spawn].memory.lastbuild = Game.time + 100; console.log('building Road at '+buildx+', '+buildy); } } } }
The expected behavior is to build roads around every source, the spawn, the controller, extenders and towers. The actual behavior is spamming "building Road at NaN, NaN" 8 times per sources.length (you know what I mean).
What do I miss?