7 years ago
@dissi-mark said in [After RCL decrease, selection of disabled structure?]
This is done by comparing the distance from the controller:
And the util method: https://github.com/screeps/engine/blob/b52164089564d1dc8a7e894835258f9a954cd37f/src/utils.js#L855
Ah! Thank you for that clarification! Could that information be added to the available structures per RCL documentation?
It opens quite a lot of ways to abuse the system if we would allow this. (transfer & disable, enable other link immediately)
Chaining disables and re-enables would be unwanted behavior. Could those issues be negated with a "cool off" and "warm up" timers so that the disabled structure and then the enabled structure are unavailable to disincentive that kind of abuse, or that after a structure is disabled to re-enable another of it's kind, unless the RCL returns to the needed and previous level, the structure can not be re-enabled for a large number of ticks?
Understandably that behavior would likely not be a small thing to implement and the time needed to do so versus it's benefit to the game, when compared to some of the other features that may be working on, so my question is more of a hypothetical than an actual request.