hello everyone, I am truly enjoying this game and learning java scripting.
I was wondering if there is a way to pause a command line for script behaviors.
I run into an issue with my creeps dying then having to clear my main script and add the module again. here is my spawn module that works but when a creep decays it throws an error in my console and all creeps stop moving.
var mod = require('DRONE2');
var mod = require('DRONE1');
var mod = require('DRONE0');
Game.spawns.MATRIX.createCreep( [WORK, CARRY, MOVE, MOVE], 'DRONE2' );
Game.spawns.MATRIX.createCreep( [WORK, CARRY, MOVE, MOVE], 'DRONE1' );
Game.spawns.MATRIX.createCreep( [WORK, CARRY, MOVE, MOVE], 'DRONE0' );
var count = 0;
if (Memory.creepCounter && Memory.creepCounter > 2) {
module.exports = 'spawntest';