On the point of alternating or grouping, there are points to either.  One thing to consider ... if you have a creep that is down to just one part (the last one before death) then what should it be? IMHO, Heal. That way it has a potential that if it was saved just at the brink of being killed, then it will heal itself back to full. Next, what is the next to last part? IMHO, RANGED_ATTACK. If it is down to the end, it will want to go out swinging. Ranged is the only one that is guaranteed to be able to attack at any range. So overall, start with the end and work backward to full body parts to determine best. Create the logic and then you have the order no matter the size or parts. I have seen some Players that group parts like Tough, Ranged, Move, Heal or TRH*M* ... some have the last Heal at the end like I mention above. Some players use the mixed groups and repeat. Like your example. Overall, your description is excellent and the other posts added great options as well. Thanks for the post.