Today my included subscription expired. I am a steam user, so i should fall back on the basic 10CPU per cycle (plus buffer by bucket). Now there's some strange behaviour about this:
1. After getting the first email notification i logged in and the UI showed my i actually had a CPU limit of 30.
2. after a few minutes it dropped to 10
3. although my (hopefully correctly) self-calculated average cpu usage showed to be below 10 (~9.25), the bucket seemed to empty.
4. now it shows me a limit of 30 again. Calling Game.cpu.limit shows me even 50 (I am GLC3, so this would be the subscription value).
5. I keep getting "Urgent" emails about my CPU being limited (about 4 in the last 2 hours).
Here's the questions:
- As a non-subscriber, i should calculate with a CPU limit of 10, right?
- Is there rounding in the leftover-bucket calculation? (The bucket seems to be integer, so i could figure addnig less than 1 leftover cpu could sadly be unintended?)
- Why would the UI display 30 and the Game.cpu.limit even the 50? (not that i would be unhappy about extra cpu)
- Will i keep getting emails about the cpu limit until i subscribe again? if this is the case, i'll need to readjust my spamfilter...
The game is great fun, and although the subscription prices are a bit too steep for my taste, I totally get why you need to set them like this.Although i wish that even a steam-basic user could gain at least a bit up on his 10-limit (say maybe at leas 1CPU per GCL?) i'm up for the challenge of staying below 10 on average (still hoping that a tick with a usage of 9.25CPU will still allow me to gather cpu in the bucket)
However I would really like not to be constantly spammed by the Limit notification, so i hope that this is also just a bug.....