@RaskVann I don't think this is the actual bug causing the problem. Because the problem kept appearing even without making any actual changes to the code. Anyway, after a day of this nonsense I got annoyed and just re-factored all the buggy code. I moved the spawnManager system in its own module and removed the queue system. Now 1 entry -> 1 spawn. No queueing entries, but at least it works fine.
Posts made by LoryMaster
RE: Game code not loading? I need to re-save it for it to actually work...
RE: Novice Area. Move a creep to the next room
You should be able to add flags manually, and have creeps go there with the normal creep.goTo function.
Game code not loading? I need to re-save it for it to actually work...
So, I'm having this strange problem where, my code doesn't get run in the game... unless I re-save the file(basically I just refresh). No changes made.
I literally just add a single space, save again, AND MAGICALLY EVERTHING WORKS!
At first I thought the reason for this was that I had a few things defined outside of the module.exports.loop, and thus not being executed every tick. So what I've done is, I've put the array I was using( that needs to persist tick to tick) inside Memory, and changed stuff around so that outside of the loop there's only the definition of basically a class, but the object to this class is created inside the loop.
Why, I've been smashing my head for hours, I can't understand it.... Here's the code... :
var mainSpawner = Game.spawns['Main Spawner'];
var mainRoom = Game.rooms['E22S23'];
Memory._queue = [];
var roleUpgrader = require('role.upgrader');
var roleHarvester = require('role.harvester');
var roleBuilder = require('role.builder');
var roleDefender = require('role.defender');
var roleTower = require('role.tower');
var creepEnum = {
function creep(creepType, creepCost)
this.type = creepType; this.cost = creepCost;
function popCreepFromQueue(creep, queue)
if(queue[queue.length-1] == creep.type)
{ queue.pop(); } else {console.log("Creep passed on pop wasn't last creep on stack");}
function _spawnManager()
this.energy = 0;
this.maxHarvesters = 0;
this.maxUpgraders = 0;
this.maxBuilders = 0;
this.maxDefenders = 0;
this.harvesterCost = 250;
this.upgraderCost = 350;
this.builderCost = 350;
this.defenderCost = 330;
this.isAttacked = false;
this.controllerFlag = 0;
_spawnManager.prototype.processQueue = function(queue)
var i = queue.length, c;
c = queue[i-1];
case creepEnum.HARVESTER:
{ mainSpawner.createCreep([WORK, WORK, CARRY, MOVE, MOVE], undefined, {role: 'harvester', isWorking: false});
popCreepFromQueue(c, queue);
break; };
case creepEnum.UPGRADER:
{ mainSpawner.createCreep([WORK, WORK, CARRY, MOVE, MOVE], undefined, {role: 'upgrader', isWorking: false});
popCreepFromQueue(c, queue);
break; };
case creepEnum.BUILDER:
{ mainSpawner.createCreep([WORK, WORK, CARRY, MOVE, MOVE], undefined, {role: 'builder', isWorking: false});
popCreepFromQueue(c, queue);
break; };
case creepEnum.DEFENDER:
{ mainSpawner.createCreep([ATTACK, RANGED_ATTACK, MOVE, MOVE], undefined,
{role: 'defender', defendsController: ((this.controllerFlag++ % 2) == 0) ? true : false});
popCreepFromQueue(c, queue);
break; };
_spawnManager.prototype.checkQueue = function(queue, currMax)
if((currMax.harvester < this.maxHarvesters) && (this.energy >= this.harvesterCost))
var c = new creep(creepEnum.HARVESTER, this.harvesterCost);
if((currMax.upgrader < this.maxUpgraders) && (this.energy >= this.upgraderCost))
var c = new creep(creepEnum.UPGRADER, this.upgraderCost);
if((currMax.builder < this.maxBuilders) && (this.energy >= this.builderCost))
var c = new creep(creepEnum.BUILDER, this.builderCost);
if((currMax.defender < this.maxDefenders) && (this.energy >= this.defenderCost) && this.isAttacked)
var c = new creep(creepEnum.DEFENDER, this.defenderCost);
_spawnManager.prototype.tickSetup = function(availableEnergy)
this.energy = availableEnergy;
this.maxHarvesters = 3;
this.maxUpgraders = 2;
this.maxBuilders = 2;
this.maxDefenders = 4;
module.exports.loop = function()
/*TODO: Instead of checking every single tick for cleanup, should track creeps lifetime and cleanup after death*/
for(var i in Memory.creeps)
{ if(!Game.creeps[i])
{ delete Memory.creeps[i]; } }
var queue = Memory._queue;
var spawnManager = new _spawnManager();
var currMax = {harvester: (_.filter(Game.creeps, function(c) {return c.memory.role == 'harvester';})).length,
upgrader: (_.filter(Game.creeps, function(c) {return c.memory.role == 'upgrader';})).length,
builder: (_.filter(Game.creeps, function(c) {return c.memory.role == 'builder';})).length,
defender: (_.filter(Game.creeps, function(c) {return c.memory.role == 'defender';})).length};
var hostiles = Game.rooms['E22S23'].find(FIND_HOSTILE_CREEPS);
if(hostiles.length != 0) { spawnManager.isAttacked = true; }
if(!mainSpawner.spawning) { spawnManager.checkQueue(queue, currMax); }
console.log("Queue Length: " + queue.length);
if(!mainSpawner.spawning && (queue.length != 0)) { spawnManager.processQueue(queue); }
var i = 0, y = 0, k = 0;
for(var name in Game.creeps)
if(Game.creeps[name].memory.role == 'upgrader') {roleUpgrader.run(Game.creeps[name], k); k++;}
if(Game.creeps[name].memory.role == 'harvester') {roleHarvester.run(Game.creeps[name], i); i++;}
if(Game.creeps[name].memory.role == 'builder') {roleBuilder.run(Game.creeps[name], y); y++;}
if(Game.creeps[name].memory.role == 'defender') {roleDefender.run(Game.creeps[name], isAttacked);}
var towers = mainRoom.find(FIND_MY_STRUCTURES, {filter: function(struct) {return struct.structureType == STRUCTURE_TOWER;}});
if(towers) { roleTower.run(mainRoom, towers); }
console.log("CurrHarvesters: " + currMax.harvester + '\n'
+ "CurrBuilders: " + currMax.builder + '\n'
+ "CurrUpgraders: " + currMax.upgrader);