So i tried uploading new code for my creeps tested on local server onto the official server - the code itself updated fine. The issue is: this code required manually setting some values in memory for each spawn(in this case single heh..., but the script is made in a way that should support multiple rooms and spawns. Rome wasn't built in one day aye?). The problem is that for some reason server would ignore any kind of manual imput in memory entries(it worked fine on locally hosted server - also - i am sure i did not forget to press save and i tried multiple times) - so i tried to create memory entries for the spawn using commands in console instead - but that also failed - server didn't return anything after i submited the commands - i am pretty sure it's some server-side issue, also quite crude workaround i found and used to get it to work is putting the array of commands supposed to create the memory entries at the beggining of main module - before all conditions etc, for a few ticks{and then removing it afterwards considering it's no longer needed} - doing it this way i finaly managed to get the memory values to get created/change.
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Posts made by krzychukoko
Official server memory and console issues.