I think need new point for profile.
In this point show language for this person.
Because when i chat with some players we chat at eng but our real lang was rus.
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Posts made by Fisubus
New point for profile
How i can control second room?
When i level up to 2 gcl. I think about control second room. But how i can control creeps in second room? Duplicate code or how?
Builder don't upgrade walls and ramparts
Hello guy's!
I need help. When i know about screeps i want play in this game but idk js and then i study it. Now i make script and it work i test about 1-2 days in offlane and then try in online. I have error with builder they dont upgrade walls and repair ramparts.
This cycle to push walls and ramparts:for(var id in structuresAll){ if(structuresAll[id].structureType == "constructedWall"){ constructedWall.push(structuresAll[id]); } } for(var id in structures){ if(structures[id].structureType=="rampart"){ constructedWall.push(structures[id]); } } allMyStructures.push(constructedWall, storage, extensions); var increaseHits = true; var needRepair = []; var maxHits = 100; if (!Memory.maxHits) Memory.maxHits = maxHits; else maxHits = Memory.maxHits; for (var i = 0; i < constructedWall.length; i++){ if(constructedWall[i].hits < maxHits) { increaseHits = false; wallNeedBuild.push(constructedWall[i]); } } if(constructedWall.length > 0){ if(maxHits < needHits){ if(increaseHits){ maxHits+=100; } } } if(maxHits == 20000){ for(var i = 0; i < constructedWall.length; i++){ if(constructedWall[i].hits < 20000){ needRepair.push(constructedWall[i]); } } } if(spawn.hits < 5000){ needRepair.push(spawn); } Memory.maxHits = maxHits;
and this part logic of builder's
if(builds){ creep.moveTo(builds); creep.build(builds); } else{ if(needRepair){ creep.moveTo(needRepair[0]); creep.repair(needRepair[0]) } else if(wallNeedBuild.length > 0){ creep.moveTo(wallNeedBuild[0]); creep.repair(wallNeedBuild[0]); } }
Please help me and sry for my bad English!
Lost role's in memory
Some times my creeps just lost role's in memory and then just stay!