I understand.. Create global object with cache of creeps is bad idea...
Posts made by EgorKluch
RE: Why creeps go out from target?
RE: Why creeps go out from target?
Second example: creep move out from target, every tick distance increases. Why??
Why creeps go out from target?
I don't understand( My creeps move by map in chaos ways.. And often stucks..
I debug it, and I don't understand - creep have task:
And creep don't move to it.. But coordinates of target correct (screenshot - there are target, creep say where he go, but he don't go.. He stuck near wall.. Why?
Phantom creeps
Room https://screeps.com/a/#!/room/W12S15
There are some phantom creeps: its visible, I can see its ID and names,. but I don't get link on that creeps from console.
ID: 56a1acdc8312ff115fcacdd0Name: worker944Position: 32, 34Hits: 600 / 600Fatigue: 0Game.creeps['worker944'] is undefinedGame.getObjectById('56a1acdc8312ff115fcacdd0') is null