On shard3 I named the creep like "fishbot.harvester-xx" and its name made the memory tab unable to view creep's memory in memory tab. It just shows Incorrect memory path
Shard affected: it might affect all shard but I have only tested on shard3
What happened: When creep's name have dot or something special, the creep's memory is unable to view in memory tab.
What should have happened: The memory of creep with any name should be correctly displayed in memory tab.
Steps to reproduce: Create a creep with these code:
Game.spawns["Spawn1"].spawnCreep([WORK, CARRY, MOVE], "fishbot.owo", {memory: {role: "harvester"}});
Click the creep and view its memory, it would just show "Incorrect memory path".
Sorry for my poor English since it's not my native language.
By the way I have already tried this link but it seems to be blocked in my region.