I turned on notifications and didn't receive anything weird. It is indeed fixed.
I turned on notifications and didn't receive anything weird. It is indeed fixed.
Recently I got some CPU issues on my account, nothing to worry about. Still, I did recieved a large amount of CPU related errors during the day while I couldn't attend to the issue.
Once the problem got fixed, I was still recieving notifications. 1 per minute (exactly!).
I disabled every notification generation in my code and still I was recieving notifications.
Then I decided to completely rewrite my code to that :
My inbox is then still beeing spammed by Screeps notfications that contains absolutely nothing in it:
I don't know what I did wrong, I'm praising GCL like I shoudl but GCL seems mad at me.
Let me know if I can do anything on my side to fix this, right now notifications are disabled on my account.
May be you deleted your rooms memory object. Beware "Game.rooms" and "Memory.rooms" are two different thing.
"Memory.rooms["yourRoomName"]" is more like "Game.rooms["yourRoomName"].memory"
Try to execute this in your console:
Game.rooms["yourRoomName"].memory.test = "test"
It should make your room reappear in the memory viewer.
As a noob myself I found these two links quite usefull to learn more about creeps and creeps mechanics :
How to play, Spawning Creeps : http://support.screeps.com/hc/en-us/articles/203022092-Spawning-creeps
API doc : http://support.screeps.com/hc/en-us/articles/203013212-Creep