Working with raw memory & changing memory via console/UI

  • Is it possible to execute custom memory parsing in the same moment it happens for default one?

    Right now, I can only call it in main(), but there are things that access/change memory before/after main (such as console commands). 



    I want to use slightly different parsing for objects in memory. It boils down to calling JSON.parse(serialized, reviver), but there is no way I can provide those functions to default serializer.

    So instead, I changed main to look like this:

    module.exports.loop = function () {
      var result = JSON.parse(RawMemory.get(), reviver);

      Object.assign(Memory, result); // this will overwrite values from Memory

      // do actual work...

      RawMemory.set(JSON.stringify(Memory, replacer)); // write changes to memory 



    However, when I run commands in console/change memory via UI, it doesn't work. It's because those commands are appended after the loop and there isn't another RawMemory.set() call afterwards. And I need to always call RawMemory.set at the end