Watch memory path for Memory. objects?

  • Hi I can no longer seem to inspect The Memory root object in the Console's Memory tab. Not sure if this is some temporary glitch or a deliberate feature for some good reason.

    Anway I have some data say an array which I inserted with

    mySuffArray = ["stuff1","stuff2"];
    Memory.test = mySuffArray;

    now running console.log("my memory.test",Memory.test); returns


    while just entering


    in the console returns


    Whish is a litte weird .
    Now on the console Memory tab, when I enter Memory.test in the "add watch" field I get the watch entered with an 'Incorrect memory path' label.
    So what is the correct watch path for me to ues?

  • Ok I have solved the problem. I need to just use 'test' without the Memory bit.