User interface - LARGE

  • I may have dreamed but I still remember being able to open a full screen UI "scrip" interface to code. But exept from extending it with the mouse I don't find anyway to have a full screen interface to code.

    Am I missing something or was all of this just a dream?

  • You could use a separate IDE or text editor. I use atom. Just open up the project folder in the script tab and in the bottom left there is a button to open up source folder. Then open the folder in Atom and you should be good to go. With Atom I had to ternjs to import the autocomplete library but every IDE/text editor is different

  • .

  • Thank you very much rndr!

    Also thanks you too Ross. I know I should but... For some masochistic reasons I want to debug using the vanilla IDE. If I grow a bigger colony maybe. My basic scrips are almost finished, I may start today. 😄