Use of RawMemory prevents use of Memory
Assignment to the Memory global doesn't persist outside of the function that it's assigned to, unlike what is described in the second article.
Working with RawMemory seems to result in Memory being set to null, and then all of the "helper" memory attributes failing because they're looking for a memory global that no longer exists.
Would it be possible for a method to be exposed to change the global Memory object? eg. RawMemory.setMemoryGlobal(obj)
In fact, with Memory ending up as a null value, StructureSpawner.createCreep() causes a TypeError: Cannot read property 'creeps' of null, because it assumes that Memory can only be undefined.
Specifically: p.isUndefined(k.Memory.creeps) && (k.Memory.creeps = {}),
I had similar problems with RawMemory - looks like it's not supported as well as Memory object which is very easy to use: