[Solved] Correct implementation of function library
I'm trying to give a better organization to my functions, in order to have a more polished code and to reduce wastes in module loadings.
So far I wanted to implement a module containing all the most common functions my creeps could need to use, but after that I find myself trapped in the need to include the function module in every other module I need to use it in.
Isn't there a way to include a library once, like in the main loop, and then use the functions in every other script like it was global?
Moreover, if I write a separate file to add prototype extensions, how do I include that file in my other modules, since I only know how to require modules as the documentation shows?
Thanks in advance for the help and have an happy screepsing!
there is a 'global' object.Â
In your main loop try:Â
global.common = require('common');
Then you can use
whereever you need (assumed 'whatever' is a function in your common library).
Now I feel stupid not having thought about that.
Many thanks my friend, may your creeps overrun your enemies and lay waste to their bases!
You're welcome!
They will surely try to
have fun
To include the prototype extensions, you include the module by require(...) as usual, and save it in a dummy variable, if you don't use the module otherwise.
> all the most common functions my creeps could need to use
This sounds like you should expand the according prototype:
    get : function(val){return this.memory[val]},
// or another way to write:
  "costs" : { get : costs },
  "Class" : { get : function(){return this.get("Class");}},
  "type" : { get : function(){return this.get("type");}},
  "task" : { get : function(){return this.get("task");}},
  MAX_LIFE : { value: CREEP_LIFE_TIME, enumerable:false,writable:false},
  MAX_BODYPARTS : { value: MAX_CREEP_SIZE , enumerable:false,writable:false},
I'm on holiday, so I forgot to login here too to say thanks for other answers!
Thanks for the hints about how to include my files with prototype extensions!
I converted most of my common functions into new functions extending Creep prototype and I must say I'm quite satisfied by the result, except for the CPU weight on module loading. But I'll open a new thread for that, since it's a separate topic.
Many thanks again to all of you who helped my out.