Flags no showing in memory
Hi there,
I seem to have a problem with my memory, or rather the memory of screeps. the items flags, rooms and spawns are undefined in memory since i started the game. If i place flags, they don't appear in memory. This is pretty annoying since i want to go to a second room to claim the controller. Anyone have a tip how to fix my memory? Or how to get the creep to the other room?
Well, i did get the creeps to go to the other room by the following code and hardcoding the room name into the memory of the creep.
But i would still like to know how to fix the flags problem in memory
var claimers = _.filter(Game.creeps, (creep) => creep.memory.role == 'claimer');
if (claimers.length < 2) {
console.log(Game.spawns['Spawn1'].createCreep([CLAIM, MOVE], undefined, {role: 'claimer', targetRoom: "roomnamehere"}));
}module.exports = {
run: function(creep){
if(creep.memory.targetRoom != creep.room.name){
var exits = Game.map.findExit(creep.room, creep.memory.targetRoom);
var exit = creep.pos.findClosestByRange(exits);
} else {
if(creep.room.controller) {
if(creep.reserveController(creep.room.controller) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) {