Nuke symbol over my spawn, does that mean I am being nuked?
I just started last night. There were no free novice area's free on the shard so I picked a room away from any players and got started. Within a few hours of getting started I noticed a nuke symbol over my spawn. Am I already being nuked or is this some function I have not discovered yet? If I am being nuked, how do I mitigate it?
Yeah, that's my bot, sorry!
The reason this area is so open and empty is because my bot attempts to (and usually succeeds in) killing anyone who tries to claim rooms here.
As for what you can do? Probably nothing. The nuke is probably overkill but I don't yet trust my code to distinguish between a high level player trying to grab my nice open space and a new player like yourself. It'll send attackers once your safe mode is up and probably kill you before it lands.
Fortunately the rest of the world tends to be much more peaceful so probably best bet is to respawn elsewhere further away.
No worries, I learned a ton just building here.