pos.findPathTo error not respecting roads as it should
Hi, I have encountered persisting error on path creation. As far as I know new PathFinder is not enabled. It does not respect roads as it should. I tried to increase maxOps but there is no change. Without range also returns the same result (but in a different place). Maybe I do something wrong here.
Code that creates path:
structure = creep.room.controller; if (structure != null) { creep.memory.path = creep.pos.findPathTo(structure, { maxOps: 1000, ignoreCreeps: true, maxRooms: 1, range: 2}); Game.rooms[creep.room.name].visual.poly(creep.memory.path, { stroke: '#00ff00', strokeWidth: .1, opacity: .5, lineStyle: 'dashed' });}
With range:
No range or 0:
you need to adjust the cost for the roads in costCallback
Actually, you need to adjust the cost of the plains and swamps. They're the problem. They default to 1 and 5, which leaves no room for the roads to be.
WHY are the defaults for plains and swamps set at 1 and 5? Where are the roads going to be?
{ignoreCreeps:true,plainCost:2,swampCost:10,range:range} is what I am using for the default options (unless the creep puts in it's own special stuff, all it needs supply is the range.)
@smokeman It did not solve the problem to put " plainCost: 2, swampCost: 10". Still the same result