Bug moving between rooms

  • Rooms E13S8 and E13S9
    I can move from E13S9 to E13S8 at 7,0 and 10,0
    There is no way to move from E13S8 to E13S9 at any of the points and findExitTo returns -2

  • Followup: Now the room E13S9 is not accessible to me at all!
    I can place flags there but Games.flags.Flag1.room returns undefined for it.
    Please help ASAP, this is the only adjacent room to my starting room and I can not progress without exiting it!

  • What happens when you move a creep to the exit square? I've found that flags placed into the rooms that do not have your objects will disappear, so I pathfind to these rooms by manually initialised RoomPosition

    var targetRoomName = "E13S8";
    var targetPos = new RoomPosition(10,10, targetRoomName);

  • Thanks that worked.