Memory does not work
Suddenly my game started to get errors I didn´t have before. When I checked the Memory tab, everything was blank; despite the fact that i had creeps, Memory had 0 creeps stored, and everything was 'undefined'. I even commented all my code and just left a simple createCreep to see what was going on and still, even though the creep was created, it appeared nowhere in my Memory. I can't do anything anymore; does anyone know what to do?
Same issue here, even with a blank script, when I set something in memory via the console it disappears almost immediately and the memory is reset to { }.
Memory Object not Persistent
Does anyone know why the Memory object wouldn't persist?
- In Tutorial Mode, right at the Build Road step.
- main is completely commented out.
- First attempt to play tutorial advanced to the point where the road was actually being built.
- Due to server email spam, that I had not spawned in the "World", I exited tutorial mode, entered game mode and created a spawn1.
- Returned to Tutorial mode, and cannot advance past this Build Road step.
- Memory state completely vanishes.
Here is the Console log:
> Game.creeps.Worker1.memory.role = "harvester"; console.log(Game.creeps.Worker1.memory.role); console.log(JSON.stringify(Memory.creeps)); < [1:09:47 AM] harvester < [1:09:47 AM] {"Worker1":{"role":"harvester"}} < harvester > Game.creeps.Builder1.memory.role = "builder"; console.log(Game.creeps.Builder1.memory.role); console.log(JSON.stringify(Memory.creeps)); < [1:09:48 AM] builder < [1:09:48 AM] {"Builder1":{"role":"builder"}} < builder > console.log(JSON.stringify(Memory)); < [1:09:52 AM] {} < undefined