Can't place the first spawn in simulation survival game

  • When I click at any tile to place my spawn - nothing happens.

    In the console it's written:
    "WebSocket connection to 'wss://' failed: WebSocket is closed before the connection is established."

  • It seems like it doesn't work only in Google Chrome (I tried in Firefox and it was fine).

  • However in Firefox there is another problem: even with empty main script - an error "[33]" is written. 😞

  • According to this post they disable survival mode. It is quite possible the bugs you're seeing in due to a changed game engine not being compatible with the scripts already written for it.

    You could always focus a bit on the simulation room and then hop into the online world. Or just set up a basic AI in the online world, most players are considerate enough to leave newbies alone unless they're in the way.

  • Hi Toolmaker, thanks for your reply. But my patience was rewarded - survival mode is finally fixed 🙂