Thoughts on Changelog2015-07-27

  • Reinforce => very nice

    energyAvailable => nice but not a huge deal,

    I actually had this implemented for myself for quite a while already, so it just saves some code for me

    Ramparts => thumbs up

    Road decay => dislike

    I don't see any sense in having a high decay and at the same time ramping up the HP to an insane amount. I liked the very initial concept of roads having very few HP only, so that you had to be constantly aware of maintaining them, just because of the wear and tear, without using these artificial decay rates.
    Same is with the HP and decays of ramparts from the last changelog - just adding a zero to everything is simply plain boring and useless.

  • I also like the removal of the Reinforce, and it's change to a passive gain. Though even 1 per tick is a bit high for free energy.

    I also disagree with the Road decay. 100 hits per 100 ticks is overkill. Yes, certain rooms look like a concrete jungle, but that is their choice to make and upkeep. Plus, they are advantageous for those invading since they are public structures.

    Now, if a room has no spawn in it anymore, and roads are present. YES, let them decay all the way down at a faster rate.

    But in an active room, 100 hits per 100 ticks is overkill (I say again), I do get that the upkeep as it was previously entirely too light. But maybe instead of making it time based decay, have it take more hits per use. You start to add more and more time based decay, and the number of viable rooms is going to go down. There isn't a way for a 1 source room to support a level 6 room controller base with roads. There just isn't enough energy to keep up with spawning, road repair, rampart repair, and RC upgrades.

    Just my two cents. Critique is welcome if constructive.

  • Not super happy with the roads decaying either. Between that and the source keepers randomly deciding to work again, my motivation is getting kinda shot to keep playing. I was having fun until I logged on one morning and saw that all the keepers were now in the middle of my bases killing everyone. From that point I've not really recovered, the roads decaying is just kind of a kick to the nuts when I'm already down haha.

  • jep i wake up with all my roads gone 2 ... ...
    Maintenance was more than my simple maintenance creep was able to maintain after the change...

  • Hmmm i also changed my code again so probably that was not helping also 😉

    But if the upkeep costs are up and this put against the benefits of having roads ... .... maybe the links are not so bad whit 3% 😉

  • I'm not super impressed by the road decay changes either. I think a better solution would be some kind of "road budget" whereby each room has a predetermined limit on the number of roads you can build. This could be a constant or could be a formula based on Room Controller level, GCL, number of extensions, etc.

    Having a quick decay rate makes the game less enjoyable for those of us who appreciate the "base building" aspect of the game. And having gigantic increases in HP for these structures to counterbalance the decay rate doesn't really help.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • Actually, the current rework (2015-07-29) of the road decay is an excellent solution imo! Cheers to you screeps guys for finding a nice and logical solution to this problem!!!

    Keep up the good work!