First attempt at logic to automate creep creation

  • Hey Guys -
    I have been making alot of progress with my game, I now have functions that do all the roles I currently need. But now im trying to automate creep creation and im struggling.

    Heres the code im using:

    var hc = 0;
    var uc = 0;
    var bc = 0;
    while ( Games.creeps < 10 ){
        if (Memory.role.'harvester' < 3)
            Game.spawns.Spawn1.createCreep( [WORK, CARRY, MOVE], 'Harvester[hc++]', { role: 'harvester' } );
        else if (Memory.role.'upgrade' < 3)
            Game.spawns.Spawn1.createCreep( [WORK, CARRY, MOVE], 'Upgrade[uc++]', { role: 'upgrade' } );
        else if (Memory.role.'builder' < 1)
            Game.spawns.Spawn1.createCreep( [WORK, WORK, CARRY, MOVE], 'Builder[bc++]', {role: 'builder'} );
        else if (Memory.role.'harvester' < 5 && Memory.role.'upgrade' == 2 && Memory.role.'builder' == 1)
            Game.spawns.Spawn1.createCreep( [WORK, CARRY, MOVE], 'Harvester[hc++]', { role: 'harvester' } );

    Not looking for a hand out but if someone could point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated!

    Sorry for all the nooby questions as i struggle through it...

  • as an FYI - i kinda got this to work... the script runs but now its just not working... i dont think my increment is appending correctly and im having duplicate creeps.

    var hc = 0;
    var uc = 0;
    var bc = 0;
    if(!Game.spawns.Spawn1.spawning) {
        if (, { filter: function(creep){ return creep.memory.role == 'harvester'; }}).length < 3)
            Game.spawns.Spawn1.createCreep( [WORK, CARRY, MOVE], 'Harvester' + ++hc, { role: 'harvester' } );
        else if (, { filter: function(creep){ return creep.memory.role == 'upgrade'; }}).length < 3)
            Game.spawns.Spawn1.createCreep( [WORK, CARRY, MOVE], 'Upgrade' + ++uc, { role: 'upgrade' } );
        else if (, { filter: function(creep){ return creep.memory.role == 'harvester'; }}).length < 6 && 
       , { filter: function(creep){ return creep.memory.role == 'upgrade'; }}).length >= 3)
            Game.spawns.Spawn1.createCreep( [WORK, CARRY, MOVE], 'Harvester' + ++hc, { role: 'harvester' } );
        else if (, { filter: function(creep){ return creep.memory.role == 'builder'; }}).length > 1)
            Game.spawns.Spawn1.createCreep( [WORK, WORK, CARRY, MOVE], 'Builder' + ++bc, {role: 'builder'} );

    Still trudging through - i have to admit im really enjoying this process....

  • Hi,

    get to your solution step by step.
    I would recommend:

    1. Put the "find" routine in a variable.
    2. For debug reasons, do a "console.log(varFindHarvester);" and so on.
    3. Then do the if part
    4. Maybe remove the name generation for debugging purposes

    Should lead you to the solution.

  • And don't forget. This script is running EVERY Game Tick. So you have to store your vars "hc" "uc" "bc" somewhere else. Maybe in the memory Object of the room 🙂
    Alternatively don't give names or use a random number.