Body generation algorithm bug

  • Hi everyone, having trouble with my body generation algorithm. While testing with parameters generateBody ([WORK, CARRY], 300), it outputs (as console.log says) work, carry, move. If I try to pass [WORK, CARRY, MOVE] to the console.log, it shows me the same message, but a comparsion says that this functions output and an actual bodypart array above are not equal. And if I try to use the output to create a creep, the spawn throws a -10 error (ERR_INVALID_ARGS), which meant that the body isn't properly described. All the other functions in my codebase work just fine (tested), so the mistake must be somwhere here:

    function generateBody (baseParts, maxEnergy)
        var baseBody = [];
        baseBody = baseBody.concat (baseParts);
        // Add enough MOVE parts to let it move at half the max speed
        for (var i = 0; i < baseParts.length / 2; i++) 
            baseBody.push (MOVE);
        // How many baseBodys we can produce with maxEnergy
        var times = Math.floor (maxEnergy / calculateCost(baseBody));
        // If there are more parts than maximum, lower the 'times' accordingly
        if (times * baseBody.length > MAX_PARTS)
            times = Math.floor (MAX_PARTS / baseBody.length);
        else if (times == 0)
            return [];
        // Construct a finalBody out of 'times' baseBodys, which is the biggest body affordable for the maxEnergy
        var finalBody = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) 
            finalBody = finalBody.concat (baseBody);
        return finalBody;


  • Thats strange - it just started working. I probably just should've reloaded the simulation.