Source Keeper Harvesting - When do they respawn?

  • Do the lairs always respawn a Keeper after 300 ticks if they are killed or only when they decay? Does anyone know their internal combat logic?

    I'm not seeing a whole lot of data in the inner workings of Source Keepers. I noticed from watching the history playback that the Keepers have a natural 1500 tick life, have 5000 hits (17 tough, 13 move, 10 attack and 10 ranged attack which would cost 3120 energy) and give them .351 movement speed over plains. After they naturally decay the lairs respawn them in 300 ticks.

  • Their lair will begin spawning a new one when they die, whether through decay or combat. Their combat logic seems to be: move to the nearest source, attack the closest creep. They currently don't seem to move at all after reaching their source.