Weird Reservation Timer Drops

  • I've stared playing around with Grafana to track various stats and I've noticed something weird happening:

    The remaining reservation time in my reserved rooms occasionally just drop by 200-300 ticks  in a 10 second time frame. This is no isolated incident, but happens regularily in many of my rooms:


    I tried looking at the room history to see what happened, but around that timeframe, the history has "NO DATA" from a few minutes before to a few minutes after that happens, no matter which of the affected rooms i checked.

    For example, one of these drops happened somewhere around tick 9412440 in Room E23N9, but alas:!/history/E23N9?t=9412440  ... NO DATA.

  • na, seems to be my mistake with my graphing, because in the time before the drop, the reservation time is a straight line, not going down.


    Edit: yup, my mistake, misshandling of stats tracking while missing visibility; everything is fine : )