Room.lookAtArea always returns plain terrain

  • Even though there are creeps or walls in the area.

  • I agree, it's buggy: I looked at 4 spaces: [9,10]wall, [9,11]plain, [10,10]source, [10,11]plain/creep and it returned:

        "11":[{"type":"terrain","terrain":"wall"}]  <- should return plain
        "11":[{"type":"terrain","terrain":"plain"}]  <- creep missing

  • I have/had similar problems with lookForAt. Strangely, it does seem to work when using the different method header.

    room.lookForAt('creep', 10, 10) <- does not return the correct information
    room.lookForAt('creep', room.getPositionAt(10,10)) <- seems to returns the creep correctly...