pos.findClosestByPath(flags) returns not a flag

  • Just received notification from this code:

        var flags:<Flag[]> = ...;
        var flag = <Flag>creep.pos.findClosestByPath(flags);
        if (flag && !(flag instanceof Flag))
                Game.notify("among flags " + flags + " the closest is " + flag, 1);


    among flags [flag mine-1] the closest is [source #55db326cefa8e3fe66e051a0]

    Here flag mine-1 is positioned on the source #55db326cefa8e3fe66e051a0.

    Usually this code works well and does not send me notifications. But sometimes sends.

  • Still observe this error:
    findClosestByPath somethimes returns object with wrong type.

    findClosestByPath(FIND_EXIT_RIGHT) may return extension or flag for example.

  • reproduce in console:

    Game.rooms['W12S23'].getPositionAt(49, 42).findClosestByPath(3)
    [9:03:09] [room W12S23 pos 49,42]
    Game.rooms['W12S23'].getPositionAt(49, 42).findClosestByPath(3)
    [9:03:10] [structure (extension) #5612f7dcb3c550e1219a1da9]

  • And doublet queries behave that way:

    Game.rooms['W12S23'].getPositionAt(49, 42).findClosestByPath(3)
    Game.rooms['W12S23'].getPositionAt(49, 42).findClosestByPath(3)
    [room W12S23 pos 49,42]
    [room W12S23 pos 49,42]
    Game.rooms['W12S23'].getPositionAt(49, 42).findClosestByPath(3)
    Game.rooms['W12S23'].getPositionAt(49, 42).findClosestByPath(3)
    [structure (extension) #5610f4e97232cb0022417b4c]
    [structure (extension) #5610f4e97232cb0022417b4c]
    Game.rooms['W12S23'].getPositionAt(49, 42).findClosestByPath(3)
    Game.rooms['W12S23'].getPositionAt(49, 42).findClosestByPath(3)
    [room W12S23 pos 49,42]
    [room W12S23 pos 49,42]