how to find a SPAWN?

  • Spawns do not appear to be listed as structures and there cannot FIND_STUCURES and filter to Spawn. How do I find a Spawn if I want to attack another players?

  • Nevermind I'll figure it out. The game is great. Trying to figuring basic stuff out, is not so. Should be able to edit or delete postings.

  • You're looking for which is referenced with Game.spawns.nameOfSpawn or my favorite for(var x in Game.spawns) {Game.spawns[x]; //Touches every spawn}

    Not sure if a documentation error but you can reference constructionSite.structureType == STRUCTURE_SPAWN but not from structure. Not sure why.

  • If attacking other players doing a find from the room works if you can reference the room, usually from your unit being inside the room you can do the following:

            var targetSpawn =;
            if(targetSpawn .length)
                if(CREEP_REFERENCE.attack(targetSpawn [0]) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE)

    or go through a loop of all found spawns and attack them all.

  • Thank you.