Cannot read property 'room' of undefined

  • After my browser (chrome) caches some items from screeps, in a world section, i always give this error:

    "Cannot read property 'room' of undefined"

    In incognito window, if i don't login, none errors occur. However, after I login, it also fails.

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'room' of undefined
    at Object.module.exports.loop (main:3:21)
    at _mainLoop:1:52
    at Object.
    .forEach.promise.then.exports.connect.exports.getUserData.exports.getRuntimeData.qDb.rooms.objects.find.toArray.then.userObjects.forEach.then.qDb.users.console.remove.exports.getAllUsers.q.all.then.exports.makeRuntime.exports.saveUserIntents.exports.getRoomObjects.exports.getRoomTerrain.exports.mapById.exports.sendConsoleError.exports.saveGameInfo.exports.finishGame.qDb.leaderboard.seasons.find.toArray.then.seasons.then.exports.sendUsageMetrics.q.all.exports.getInterRoom.expo as evalCode
    at Object.register.deprecated.exports.runCode._markStats as runCode

  • I always get this issue whenever I referenced where I passed in a null object. No idea if there is something else going on since I haven't tried going in and out of icognito windows. Hope this helps.

  • Got same issue, fixed by deleting site-specific cookies in Chrome settings panel.