cpuLimit wrong or bucket not working. [resolved]

    See console output below.
    [3:19:36 PM]
    Script execution has been terminated: CPU limit reached
    [3:20:03 PM]
    Script execution has been terminated: CPU limit reached
    [3:20:32 PM]
    Script execution has been terminated: CPU limit reached
    [3:20:59 PM]
    Script execution has been terminated: CPU limit reached

  • I should note its killing my scripts at my account CPU limit which is 35, nowhere near 500.

  • It was my fault i was actually using 500 cycles in a runaway loop. the problem then i would say is that the CPU counter in the upper right was showing 35/35 as if it was hard stopping me at 35 not 500. Might be worth looking into.


  • This may be the answer to your question: http://support.screeps.com/hc/en-us/articles/204332302-Understanding-CPU-limit-usage

    As far as I understood your post, there seems to be nothing wrong with the CPU management.You may use up to 500 CPU depending on how much you saved up. If the bucket is depleting, this limit is lower. If the bucket is completely empty, your CPU limit is actually your account limit (35).