Creep roles
Hello all,
I'm quite new to the game but I am hooked already. Unfortunately there aren't that many people talking about it and discussing their tactics.
What are your tactics and how did you devide different roles amongst your creeps. Here is my setup.
All creeps have a 'Super' variant meaning they have stronger abilities.
Basic harvesters, gathering energy and bringing it to
spawn, extentions and turrets
Upgraders bringing energy to the controller
Gather energy and build structures, when no structures
have to be build they perform the same tasks as harvesters
Creeps with attack module, group up with other attack
units and attack hostiles when teamed up with other
attack units
Same as soldiers, but use ranged attack
Find friendlies and heal them
Fast cheap units used to explore and claim new territory
similar roles than you, though a bunch more specialized ones. For example I have dump-harvesters that just gather energy and then just drop it (or, under some circumstances, even try to build a container beneath them to put it into), and collectors that collect energy from containers or piles around sources and bring them to a central storage, as well as distributors that pick it up from central storage and bring it to spawns, extensions, turrets... Easier to scale that way, imho. Alternatively, I also have link-harvesters, that gather energy and put them in one or ,more buildings right next to themselves (usually Links, hence the name, though sometimes also towers).
I have a bunch of different kinds of builders, including full-time repairers (to keep roads intact, beef up walls and ramparts, etc..), builders specialized for constructing ramparts (because of the special attention those need to be repaired right after building), regular builders that harvest energy themselves, and regular builders that gather energy from a certain building (usually a storage or spawn). when there's no construction to be done, my builders usually default to repairing. there's always something to repair...
claimers, reservers, scouts, various attack strategies, creeps that are simply ment to annoy someone, or to drain towers...
Moves to source -> Builds container if none is in range 2 of source -> Moves between container and source -> Drains source into container
Moves to container -> Takes energy -> Moves to storage
Moves energy from storage to spawn/extensions/towers
Takes energy from storage / Harvests energy -> builds structures / repairs structures
Takes energy from storage / link / harvest energy -> upgrades controller
Moves to unclaimed exploration flags
Seeks local enemies -> moves to nearest enemy -> attacks
Seeks enemies in nearby rooms -> moves to room
Moves to nearest conquest flag if it exists
Else moves to spawn's rally point
Moves to nearby harvesting flags and reserves the room
Moves to claim flags and claims if possible or reserves
Acts as a bridge between storage and link
Controls the flow of energy between storage and link system