Screeps Crashing ?
var queue = require('spawn.queue');
module.exports.loop = function ()
queue.addCreep('Hello World !', 2);
var spawnQueue = [];
module.exports =
addCreep: function(creep, number)
for (;number > 0; number++)
spawnCreep: function(creep, number)
for (;number > 0; number++)
checkCreep: function()
return (spawnQueue[0]);
getCreep: function()
return (spawnQueue.shift());
So. In simulation, this is making the game crash. idk where to start. x)
Can someone pls help me ? ^^
infinite loop? did you mean number-- in both for loops?
for (;number > 0; number++)
Oh. yeah. right. x)
Thanks a lot ^^'